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Academy Governance

The Arden Multi Academy Trust (AMAT) is governed by a Board of Directors accountable to the Department for Education and with overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Trust, including establishing and running the Trust’s academies.

The Directors have established a Local Governing Body (“LGB”) for each of the Academies, which ensures that each academy retains its own identity and individuality, working through the common values and core operational systems of the Trust.   

The AMAT’s strategic board is advised by the Finance and Resources Committee and the Personnel Committee which provide strategic support across these key operational areas. The board meets termly and the committees meet every half term. 

The two local governing bodies (LGBs) for Arden and Park Hall respectively are advised by a Teaching and Learning (T&L) and a BSII (Behaviour, Safety, Intervention and Inclusion) Committee, which provide key focus on ensuring that the young adults who leave our care are prepared for the next stage of their education and are ready and confident to move forward in life.   

The LGBs meet termly and the committees generally meet every half term.

The AMAT has established terms of reference which also set out the delegation of responsibilities between the Board, the Executive Principal, the LGBs and the Principals of each academy.


As Arden Multi Academy Trust was formed on 1 April 2015, the first set of AMAT Financial Accounts and associated financial reports will be available from January 2016 onwards.

Arden and Park Hall accounts can be viewed by following the links: