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The Pursuit of Excellence

In all that we do

​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve


We are committed to ensuring our school environment is one in which commonalities are celebrated and differences are valued and nurtured. 

Racism in any form is never tolerated at Park Hall. Racism is where someone thinks another person is inferior because of their colour, nationality, ethnicity or race. 

Racism can affect anyone. It can make people feel like they're not important or don't fit in. It might make people feel angry, upset or depressed. People can be affected even when it is not targeted at them. 

Britain is a multi racial and multi faith country and everyone has the right to have their culture and religion respected by others. At Park Hall, we share this same value. The school welcomes the diversity of cultures, backgrounds, faiths and beliefs.

We use the curriculum to teach tolerance and supporting students in valuing cultural diversity and understanding.